Paying People to Prioritize Wellness: A Prescription for Lowering Healthcare Costs

In today’s healthcare landscape, the debate over rising costs and sustainable solutions continues to intensify. Over the last 13 years of data on we’ve seen a compelling argument emerge that incentivizing individuals to prioritize wellness could be a game-changer in curbing healthcare expenditures. This proactive approach would not only foster healthier lifestyles but also promise significant economic benefits in the long run.

According to recent studies, preventive healthcare measures can lead to substantial savings. For instance, a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that chronic diseases, which are often preventable through lifestyle changes, account for 75% of the nation’s healthcare spending. This statistic underscores the potential impact of initiatives that promote wellness and disease prevention from the outset.

We launched our Reward Store ( to champion this cause by offering platforms that incentivize wellness-focused behaviors. Gamification can increase engagement with health and wellness apps by 40%. This higher engagement can lead to more consistent participation in wellness activities, thereby promoting healthier habits over time​ (WorldMetrics) and reducing the incidence of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

The expected result? Lower healthcare utilization rates and decreased medical costs for both participants and companies over time.